Market and Location Selection

Today - Market and Location Selection

  1. relates to #2 but…. What other characteristics of a region? Already in adaption mode or mitigation mode? Politics? Income levels… Sonoma v NOLA for example.

    1. (Uninhabitable Earth)
    2. 3 billion people could live in places as hot as the Sahara by 2070
      • Map
      • Heat
    3. restoration ←———→ conservation
  2. Categorization …. “urban suburban exurban rural” ie what would be remote or wilderness, roadless? Population Density?

  3. what 4-5 test areas/regions could we test # 1 on? ( ie Carbondale, Portland, NOLA, KC etc

    Location Characteristics
    Carbondale, CO mixed rural, high end, recreational
    Kansas City, MO urban, suburban, rural
    New Orleans, LA urban, suburban, rural
    Portland, OR
  4. who are our partners on the ground in these regions ( ie land trusts, city gov, corporates, local groups, banks etc)

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